April Silverman Fine Artist Painting provides peace of mind, an escape from the world. I usually paint from a photo —mine or someone else’s—that inspires me, grips my imagination. I prefer painting land- and seascapes, animals, and still life in oil or watercolor. I studied art at Syracuse University for a BFA. in fabric design, married, and raised a family. I went to Drew University Graduate School
Mona Madl Fine Artist Mona Madl, was born 1996 in a little Town in Salzburg, Austria. Growing up in a Country which is very influenced by Art and History, Mona soon began to get inspired by different styles of Art. As a daughter of a pastry chef, the creativeness was included in everyday life e.g. in sugarart or Cocoa-Art. Traditional Art with Charcoal and pencil, mixed
Denise Jill Marshall Mixed media, Photographic weaving, Photography My journey into photographic weavings began in November 2020 while I was taking an abstract photography class. In my critique notebook the one theme that kept coming up was how my work was very linear. Studying my printed images, I saw them from different perspectives. I took out a pair of scissors and while it took me