Continued awareness and knowledge will strengthen a local, regional, and national commitment to the vital role the arts play in our lives and the promise they hold for our future.
Alliance for Charitable Reform
Washington, DC
ACR educates legislators and policymakers about the role of private charitable giving and the dangers of legislative or political measures that weaken or constrain philanthropic freedom.
Americans for the Arts
Washington, DC
Americans for the Arts is committed to providing information on top issues affecting artists today.
Read their statement, Ten Reasons to Support the Arts
The American Alliance of Museums
Washington, DC
The American Alliance of Museums’ mission is to champion museums and nurture excellence in partnership with our members and allies.
ArtPride NJ
Burlington, NJ
ArtPride New Jersey advances, promotes and advocates for the arts as essential to the quality of life of every citizen and to the economic vitality of our state.
Citizens for the Arts in Pennsylvania
Harrisburg, PA
Citizens for the Arts creates awareness of the important role that the arts play in education, in reduction of juvenile crime, in economic development, tourism, quality of life, and community revitalization.
Washington, DC
Dance/USA sustains and advances professional dance by addressing the needs, concerns, and interests of artists, administrators, and organizations. It enhances the infrastructure for dance creation.
Delaware Arts Alliance
Wilmington, DE
Delaware Arts Alliance is the unifying voice for the arts throughout the state, advocating for the central role of the arts and arts-education in advancing dynamic communities and a creative citizenry.
The Kennedy Center Arts Education Advocacy Toolkit
Washington, DC
Their Tool Kit focuses on 1) the habits of effective arts education advocates; 2) the power of coalitions and networking; and 3) the components of an effective arts education advocacy plan.
National Art Education Association
Washington, DC
Founded in 1947, the National Art Education Association is the leading professional membership organization exclusively for visual arts educators.
National Assembly of State Arts Agencies
Washington, DC
Arts organizations and arts advocates engage in a variety of strategies and techniques to build political support for the arts.
The National Endowment for the Arts
Washington, DC
The NEA is the independent federal agency whose funding and support gives Americans the opportunity to participate in the arts, exercise their imaginations, and develop their creative capacities.
The National Endowment for the Humanities
Washington, DC
The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) is an independent federal agency created in 1965. It is one of the largest funders of humanities programs in the United States.
Take Action
Stay involved. Communicate with your legislators about arts issues that are important to you.
Read Americans for the Arts, Top Ten Reasons to Support the Arts.
Read the PORTFOLIO research report that will help make the case for the impact the arts and culture have on our region.
Contact the Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance Grassroots Advocacy Coordinator or call 215-399-3522.