Enriching, Inspiring, and Promoting the Arts Experience

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August 2021

  -    -  August

Sheila Fernekes Contemporary Art Jewelry "The ancient art of bead weaving is spiritual and invigorating. One by one, each bead is interconnected, spanning time and space. The beads sing, and I listen to their harmonies. Rhythms pulse. The pulse becomes a heartbeat and the beads spring to life. Together, we push boundaries, explore new horizons and dance." Sheila Fernekes Sheila Fernekes creates contemporary art jewelry using

Lisa Domenic Fine Artist I believe ART IS GOOD medicine.  I used to work as a nurse - but my whole life changed when I became a patient myself. "We plan - and God steps in with another plan for us and He is all - wise and the most loving friend  we always have helping us."   -Nettie Fowler McCormick    Painting helps me achieve a balanced life I love