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Jen Gorman-Strawbridge Red Bridge at Virginia Forest Recreation Area, Delaware Canal State Park. Painted en plein air in oil

Jennifer Gorman-Strawbridge

Fine Art – Oil Painter with an Impressionistic Style


“I am an oil painter with an impressionistic, loose, painterly style. My medium of choice is oil paint because I love its vibrancy, malleability and durability.

I love being outdoors! I was raised to appreciate the beauty of the Chester County countryside as well as the rugged coastline of New England. My life experiences trained my senses to find the beauty and wonder in nature, and painting is my attempt to translate my impression of this beauty onto canvas.

Art-making in any form has always been an important outlet for me and an area of continued study and growth. Ever since I can remember, creating has been a source of joy and sustenance, and I am particularly drawn to the myriad light, shadow, and reflections found in the natural world. When something captures my attention I immediately begin to think about how I’ll interpret the scene, what colors I’ll use and how I’ll compose the painting. I collect photographs to preserve these moments, and it is not unusual for me to think about an image or scene for months, or even years, before attempting to express it in a painting.

I moved to New Hope in 2017, and am captivated by the beautiful countryside and alluring river scenes that surround me. My work is evolving and is a reflection of my interests, my travels, and my life experiences. My goal is to consistently produce original art that expresses my vision of beauty as well as my love of, and respect for, nature.”