David R. Roth

David R. Roth
David spent over thirty years primarily engaged in corporate communications, writing, directing, and/or producing multimedia educational, training or marketing programs. He quit his job in 2014 to focus on his lifelong dream of becoming a writer of fiction.
In 2015 he gained admission to Cedar Crest College’s Pan-European MFA program, which included residencies in Vienna, Dublin and Barcelona. Three months after completing his degree in 2017 he placed second in the inaugural Bucks County Short Fiction Contest judged by Janet Benton (Lilli de Jong). Shortly thereafter, Passager Journal became the first to publish one of his short stories. The Northwest literary journal Moss. was soon the second. Driftwood Press has twice made him a quarter-finalist in their Adrift Short Story Contest.
David backed away from short fiction to concentrate on completing his first novel. He spent a year revising and expanding his MFA thesis before submitting it for publication. In early 2020, Regal House Publishing picked up The Femme Fatale Hypothesis for publication in November of 2021.