Santford Overton

Santford Overton
My interest in the biological sciences and ultimately in photography was spawned during my tenure at both East Carolina University and Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University where I received my M.S. and Ph.D., respectively. While at East Carolina I met Professor Charles Bland who had a profound influence on my career. His provocative yet practical approach to teaching courses in Non-Vascular Plants, Mycology and Electron Microscopy fascinated me and piqued my curiosity to investigate structure-function relationships at the subcellular level. My enthusiasm in microscopy continued at Virginia Tech where I studied the physiological and ultrastructural effects of sterol-inhibiting fungicides on apple leaves and the apple scab fungus.
Photography, not so unlike microscopy has opened the door to the surrounding world and its everlasting beauty. Nature whether macroscopic or microscopic is a dynamic process from which I find both enjoyable and rewarding. My passion tends to focus on nature and its environment, particularly landscape and wildlife photography. I believe that through my travels and prior education have enabled me to gain valuable practical experiences and a much deeper appreciation for the natural world that are translatable into wonderful pictorial representations.