Do you write stories? Creative Nonfiction? Poems? Other kinds of creative work? Sharing something you’ve written is a big step, but overwhelmingly rewarding. Join published writer Margaret Montet for an illuminating session on selecting relevant markets, writing effective query letters, submitting work, record-keeping, promoting your work, and celebrating literary success! We’ll discuss resources for exploring publishing opportunities.
Margaret Montet’s narratives of place are combined with memoir, research, and culture. Much of her work focuses on classical music, her first love. She’s a librarian at Bucks County Community College and holds an MFA in Creative Nonfiction from the Pan European MFA Program at Cedar Crest College. She presents fun, multimedia Music History lectures to lifelong learning audiences and teaches Effective Speaking to college students. Her creative nonfiction has been published in Dragon Poet Review, The Bangalore Review, Pink Pangea, Edible Jersey, and other fine periodicals. Margaret’s first collection of travel essays will be published in 2021.
A Power Point presentation of relevant and timely visuals accompanies all components. Time is built in to the seminar so that questions, answers, experiences, and insights can be shared.
There is no fee for these workshops. Preregistration is required.
Registrants will receive a Zoom link before the session.